The next gen future of EDR: XDR (Extended detection and response)

What is XDR (Extended detection and response) We all know the prominence of EDR solutions. However the latest technology to enter the space is now: extended detection and response (XDR) which is the result of evolution from endpoint detection and response (EDR). XDR can be considered as the upgraded EDR but with further unified capabilities with other security tools as well to provide combined security analysis visibility, highly efficient detection, and a vastly improved correlation, investigation, and response. Background and reason for developing XDR: EDR served as the baby steps towards the journey of XDR. In every way, EDR solutions did help to provide effective endpoint detection and response integrating a number of threat detection solutions. However, on the bigger picture, the question still remained about the security team’s challenges around the best possible way to leverage combined capabilities around analytics platforms, security information, and event management (SI...